Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Want your teenager to do better in school? Folate may help.

Folate is a B vitamin that is found in foods such as green vegetables and certain fruits. A new study from Sweden shows that “teenagers who consume higher amounts of dietary folate… have higher academic scores compared to teens with lower levels”.

The study was conducted on 386 15-year-old students at Orebro University Hospital. Over the span of 9 years of schooling, the sums of grades were collected in 10 core subjects. The results showed that teens who consumed the most folic acid, on average scored 10% higher than students who were on the lowest level of folic acid consumption.

These fascinating results show how imperative it is to keep “a closer watch on folate status in childhood and adolescence”. To ensure your child has a healthy balance of proper nutrients, I personally recommend Kid’s NeuroVite. It contains folic acid and many other vitamins and nutrients needed to maintain a healthy growing body.

Source: http://www.foodproductdesign.com/news/2011/07/folate-levels-linked-to-teen-academic-success.aspx

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Foods that affect your child’s IQ – Amen Clinics

Foods that affect your child’s IQ – Amen Clinics

I subscribe to Dr. Daniel Amen's blog. He works with brain imaging comparing healthy brains with brains that are in trauma. Head injuries, drugs, alcohol and toxins all affect the brain and the processes that take place in the brain. He is able to show, through images that he takes of the brain, how different areas of the brain are affected. Even people with ADD have different patterns of activity in their brains.

I thought this above article was interesting. Who wouldn't want to help raise their child's IQ with something as simple as a diet? Take a minute to read it.